Prince’s day

It wasn’t just the kingdom feeling gloomy this awful day. The world felt our pain as it let loose with horrible storms all day long. Everyone in the kingdom gathered in our homes and in public altar buildings, to make sacrifices of small animals to our prince. Later this evening, every citizen was to report to the castle’s courtyard to witness the ultimate sacrifice.

Our Prince, Prince Cal, was supposedly at birth our destined savior. He was a gift from the gods. It is because of this the King had declared every year, on the prince’s birthday, the entire kingdom was to spill the blood of small animals on altars and pray to gods to keep Cal safe so that he may keep us all safe and sound. That was until the King had a vision where he watched Cal spill the blood of a human on the royal altar where Cal apparently was granted his godly powers. Since then, one citizen’s name is drawn from a cauldron to be the tribute. This tribute was to be honored with a banquet before they would be forced to kneel before Cal on the altar and let him slit their throats.

We all crammed together into the courtyard, awaiting the drawing. Everyone around us stood shivering in the wind and rain. However, the shaking could have easily been in fear of having their name echo throughout the kingdom.

Then we saw him, Cal. He walked out onto the altar, dressed in black with servants bearing the weight of the cauldron behind him.

“Welcome, adoring citizens! Let the choosing of the tribute begin!” He raised his hands above his head, the crowd cheering at his words. These cheers were forced and frightened. If we didn’t cheer, what wrath would we be unleashing upon ourselves?

The evil prince smiled at us all before turning to the cauldron and plunging his arm in. He was a walking definition of tall, dark, and handsome, but I loathed him and his arrogance more than I feared the wrath of the gods. I found it so very difficult to believe our sickening king was granted the gift of a godly son who is just as wicked as his father. I would never support that minter after what he did to me all those years ago. The gods wouldn’t put that bad of a curse on us, would they? I quietly and quickly prayed to my goddess of the night, asking her to watch over me and keep my family safe.

“Now, before I reveal the honorable tribute, I would like to say this will be our last sacrifice. My father had another vision that this day will be the day the gods bless me with my powers to save our poor kingdom from ruin! Let us celebrate and feast in joy and triumph!” He announced. His gravelly voice echoed in my head, making me cover my ears in an attempt to make this whole thing go away.

“Now, the final tribute shall be…Beck Cassian!” He shouted, an evil smirk dancing across his face.

My stomach dropped to the ground and I fought the urge to throw up right then. That was me. I was the tribute, I was to surrender my life. My mother gasped out loud, and began to cry and beg for my life as guards moved through the crowd and dragged me away.

I paced around in my holding cell, praying to any god that would listen to save me because Cal definitely wasn’t. I began to cry silently and fell to my knees in the middle of my cell.

“My, my my! Beck! It’s been so terribly long since our last visit.” That sickening voice chuckled behind me. The Prince had come to meet his tribute.

“Go away, you monster.” I spat at his feet. The Prince’s guards gasped at the insult.

“Come now, Beck, surely you don’t truly feel that way about me.” He asked, beckoning me closer. “After all, I did save your life.” He added, watching in cruel amusement as I looked him in the eye.

“Why? Why save me?” I inquired, digging my nails into the crusted grime of the floor.

“Your father truly moved me. I let him take your place. However, I can’t simply let you go! The praying of your father brought a vision to my eyes.” He grinned.

“Of what?“

“Of your father taking your place, and… a bride to serve me forever.” He cackled.

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