You buy an item at random from an antiques shop, not realising at first what it really is...
The Valuable Vase
I started my day as an other. Tired. The cool atmosphere around my warm and cozy bed made the thought of getting up seem ridiculous. I said to myself “But I have to get up so I can visit that new antique shop”. So I burst out of bed got ready and left for the shop. Upon arrival my eyes widened, my heart began to palpitate, and my fists clenched. “This place looks amazing” I shouted. I searched and searched but nothing fully caught my eye. But then I saw this old Middle Eastern-looking vase. I lunged and grabbed the vase. “Woah this thing is heavy” After almost throwing my back out for this vase I decided it was coming home with me. I had a fascination with things that looked old and from other places in the world. So I took it to the check out line “$1000” My eyes nearly burst out of there sockets. “$1000 dollars for a vase?” I asked. With an annoyed face the employee answered “That is correct”. Against my better judgment, I bought it. I set it in the back of my car and headed off for home. About halfway through the car ride home I heard a “ksshhhh”. This terrified me I pulled over immediately to see what happened. When I looked in the back I was taken a back. I didn't know what to say, I wiped my eyes and looked again. I now understood why the vase was so heavy I looked now at hundreds of gold dinars littering my trunk.