Red Glow

My friends and I were half way to the top of the mountain. It only took us about 3 hours with lots of whining Winnie's. It was like a nonstop orchestra of complaints from every single one of them. At hour 2 and a half I snapped, I just couldn't handle the negative Nellie's constantly bringing down the mood. Granted we haven't been on a hike in a long time but still come on.

So it was silent for majority of the other half of the hike. To me it was peaceful, being able to listen to the singing of the birds and chirping of the crickets. It was getting pretty dark when we finally were within 1 mile of the top! As we approached though every single person in the group stopped dead in their tracks. Ahead of us on the edge of a cliff is a telephone booth that's got an eerie red glow, like some sort of weird sauna for just one person. One of my buddies takes a tentative step towards the booth and just poofs. I'm not even kidding, he literally just vanished. We all started screaming (in a manly way of course), and huddled up together to have each others backs. Then as we're circling not knowing what to do, another one of us gets zapped. All of a sudden my buddy and I fall into each other as we had been all leaning on each other to make sure we were all there. We catch our footing but as we right ourselves, my buddy is there one minute and gone the next. In the last one standing and I don't know what else to do. So I charge the booth, my goal was to push it off the cliff and somehow that would magically make my friends reappear. However that plan was not well thought out and the instant I touched the booth I too was zapped.

Now you may be asking how I was able to write this note and leave it for the next hiker who dares to reach the top. Honestly I can't even tell you myself. I have no idea where I am, but all I know is that I have a pen and a piece of paper the came with me in my pocket. And weirdly enough I can see you reading this as I'm writing to you.

I think they're coming. Goodbye for now. Good luck and whatever you do, don't touch the glowing red booth.

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