"Even the dead tell stories."

Using this as the opening or closing line, try writing a horror or thriller poem.

The Dead Man’s Daughter

I watched as the man faded again. I’m guessing this had been my 5th time drawing his summoning circle.

I dropped the stick at the last symbol and waiting. And as it had done the past times, the dead man faded in.

“Let me rest in piece!” He whipped his beard in total frustration.

“Not until you tell me what happened to your daughter!” I leaned back on my log that was deeply hidden in a cave somewhere in Toronto.

“Leave it alone!”

“Can’t you see I can’t?! Tell me where she is! I know you know!” And then, for the first time during these 30 minutes the ghost sat down on the log across from me and the fire and took a breath in and out.

“If you want to know so badly, I shall tell you, but this is my last summoning!” I nodded and watched the man as he got comfortable. “Abagail was always a free spirited-roamer. Her location cannot be set on a house but the places she calls home which some i truly do not know. Even if she favored me she wouldn’t tell me anything.” I could tell thinking back on his past hurt him as he began to tear up. “I don’t know what happened, nor did i see anything coming when it came, it was silent and deadly. She killed us all, and if you truly want to know, she killed herself too. But not with us, she always thought she deserved better till no end. She might be dead in a yacht or Harry’s house. She could be in Paris or- hell! Damn I hope she is, gets what she deserves.”

“Christopher Lyhgns,” he turned to me in response, “Your daughter, why did she her own family? Her own blood, her two daughters too?” The father looked at me without expression.

“It was the daughters, hexed us I tell you! Lexi and Sophie, witches.” It was quite impossible for them to be witches because 1. Magic doesn’t exist and 2. they’re only 5 years old.

“Don’t lie to me!”

“As if I am, started chanting and I watched as my daughter’s eyes turned black and then boom, i’m dead.” I sat in careful consideration.

“But how?”

“The maid. She taught them, spent more time with the two then Abagail did herself, damn brats.”

“What are they planning?”

“Hell if I know, maybe taking over the world. Stealing some shit, killing people.”

“Times running out.”

“It always does, I hope I helped son. I don’t care if they’re my grandchildren, I want you to kill those sons of’a bitches.”

“I was planning to anyway.” The man smiled and yawned as he faded away back into his happy peaceful place.

“Babe!” From the corner my girlfriend sprang up, “Did he tell you where they were? Did he recognize you?” I shook my head and kicked the dirt around to hide the spell.

“No. He thinks you’re dead.”

“Where’s my daughters?”

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