Choose a villain from a story that you enjoy, and write a story in which they are the protagonist.
Now that the villain is the main focus of the story, what could a reader find out about this character?
It’s Your Fault
I don’t need the future to be like it is.
Not at all, not on my watch.
I saw what the future looked like with my own eyes. Destruction everywhere, everything was destroyed. Buildings toppled over with all windows cracked and broken, along with the streets crowded with car after car crashing into each bumper. Streetlights shattered with its glass on the ground, baseball bats and metal pipes near each mortal’s dead body. Their bodies…dirty and bruised, bloody and scraped. How their hands were so…ice cold. It was the worse touch that I have ever felt, and I don’t want to feel that again. Not ever! I’ll do whatever it takes to change the future.
But…I don’t want to lose her.
She’s so perfect, so nice, so…graceful. Her kindness surpasses mine, with her smile filling all of the empty spaces in a dark room. Her hair was so pretty, so soft, I could run my fingers through her hair and I could feel the softness in each individual strand. Her eyes are so beautiful, sparkling, all of the stars can fit into her pupils as they look upon the sky. I want her to be with me, to help me, to be there for me. I just want her all to myself, no one else touching her but me…Only if I could that is…
It’s all because of him…
He keeps her from me, thinking that she’ll be safe. He makes her work in that stupid hellhole he calls a mansion. They have one butler, he can do most of the work. He keeps her in that same room, not being able to go out unless someone is with her. They are not any normal people with her- oh no, they are more than people may think. I do want them…they seem rather a big key to my goal. I only have one of them…but one won’t do. He’s starting to drift away from me, I guess he knows my ambitions as a per-blood- but that doesn’t matter. I just want more power…but I can’t have everything like everyone.
It’s weird…why would he do this…?
Why does he give so many people a second chance…?
Didn’t he say that he likes wilted flowers…?
He must-
I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I turn in my seat to face the wooden door. I wonder who’s behind it? Maybe Charles?
“Come in.”
The door opens to reveal a maroon purple hair man, smiling widely as he enters. I knew it was him, it seems like he always comes around at this time of night. I sat up in my seat and smile at the young fellow, “Was there something you need, Charles.”
He nods still having that smile on his face, “Yes, I actually went to the store and got things for dinner. I was just wondering if you want anything to eat?”
I think for a moment before nodding, “Sure, I would like some dinner.”
I could see his smile widened a little, which made me smile. At least he’s happy, that’s a great start to help his mental state.
“Alright, I’ll start cooking right away!” He heads out the room and closes the door behind him.
I chuckle softly and look back at the portrait near the fireplace. There she was, all in her beauty…I sigh happily as I stare at it, think what I should do next.
“Thank you for being there for me…I’ll avenge you, I promise…because it’s all his fault..”