Write a story about a retired villain.

What is their life like now, and how might their previous career affect their retirement? You don't have to write about a superhero-style villian; it can be any character with a villianous career.


Being out flying is the most exhilarating feeling that Pippa has ever experienced.

Being able to share that with someone, someone who knows who she is, is just amazing. Freeing.

Pippa and Cotton soar, leaving trails of glittery light and droplets respectively.

They weren’t Beacon and Water Craze. They were just themselves.

“You think you can catch me, Tink?” Cotton challenges, speeding up, just ahead of her now.

“You’re on!” She replies, her light shining brighter.

They laugh and enjoy the moment. That is until their bubble is burst by a shriek.


With her ears fine tuned to cries for help, she slows and scans for the issue. She spots some damage at the bank. The glass of the doors is scattered on the pavement, cars are smashed, and there is one person standing among the carnage.

Good thing she is always prepared with her mask.

Pippa lands with a ring of light, which might look dramatic, but she does it to intimidate her enemies. And maybe because it looks cool.

“I’m going to ask you to back down,” she says, her voice taking on a commanding tone.

Now that Pippa is on the same level, she could see this woman better. She has no mask on and had regular clothes, a blue hoodie and jeans If Pippa had not known any better, she would appear like any other civilian. But she is standing in the middle of the wreckage, a vicious smile on her face with tendrils of ice extending her fingernails into claws.

“I was hoping you would show up, Beacon. You and I finally get to meet.” There is something about her tone that is unsettling. Like she knew something that Pippa doesn’t.

“Nice to meet you. Now are you going to stop?” She asks, her hands glowing, ready for any attack.

“Not a chance.”

Cotton comes up beside her, surprising her as she temprorarily forgot about their flight date.

“Tink, you can’t fight her,” his expression is drawn, concerned but not for her. Her eyes furrow in confusion under her mask.

“Who is she?” She questions, not addressing any of her many, many inquiries.

“I am Whirlpool,” the woman answers for him. Her grin so wide, it resembles the Cheshire Cat.

She twirls her ice-tipped finger and a mini whirlpool spun in time.

“Water Craze, I’m serious. Who is she? To you?”

To his credit he looks pained. “That’s my sister,” he says, hesitantly. Pippa knew she was wrong before. When she thought she was ready for anything, she was not for that.

“You can’t be here then.”

“I can’t let you fight her, Tink”

“I’m not going to ask you to choose between me and your family. This is why I didn’t want to involve our aliases.” She hates herself for getting involved with him. She should have known.

“Oh baby brother, you fell for a hero, how sweet. She’s too kind, but I’m not. Time to choose a side.”

“Water Craze, I need you to leave. You don’t have to pick a side,” she pleads, desperate for him to do anything but stay.

His head swivels from side to side, physically and mentally being tormented with the decision.

“Cotton,” Pippa whispers, but she knows.

She lost him.

“I’m sorry, Beacon.”

Her palms heat up, light overtaking her. She can wallow in the betrayal and hurt later. There are people around that need to be kept safe.

Protection and defense is her objective. Even if that means fighting against her love.


Pippa and Cotton are in some of my other stories: Beacon of Light, Evaporation (when heat and water don’t mix), Refraction, Photolysis Reaction, Precipitation, and Constriction

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