The Council Of The Underworld

This meeting was monumental. Or,rather,is highly celebrated by the inhabitants of The Underworld.

Every 5 centuries,in the capital Hadë (named after the original fallen Angel who built The Underworld) a grand banquet is held. Everyone over the age of 1800 was allowed to go,and they would. It was massive,and held in the palace of King Demiurge,where both he and his son held a grand banquet,after which was said meeting.

During the meeting,there were discussions on the kingdoms well-being and updates on everything. This was held outside the banquet hall,and very few demons could actually attend either event.

Luckily,Ainz Nigght,was a high-ranking Nobleman. And so,in turn,his daughter Azul,who had just turned of age a century earlier,was able to attend with him.

And that’s how she found herself in the face of the towering grey of pillars that towered high above the demon generals who stared down one another.

Why did she want to come to this again?
