Your friend works for the local newspaper, creating the clues for the crossword. One day, you realise they are trying to give you a message.

One Million Dollars!

I’m going to call Kalle and see when she’ll drop off the newspaper, thought Aliza. She picked up the phone and was about to call her friend when the dorr bell rang. Aliza opened the door to find her friend Kalle standing there with the newspaper. “Here’s the newspaper Aliza.” Said Kalle. “Thanks Kalle I was just about to call you and ask when you can drop it off!” Exclaimed Aliza. “Oh funny! Well I gotta get going, see you later.” Aliza was looking at the word search clues and saw something strange. She thought about it all day. Then suddenly, it hit her! She figured out what seemed Strange about the newspaper. It was telling her a message. She rushed home to look at it again and she saw that it said the lottery number is 7825. What the heck, she thought. Well I Guess I’ll get number 7825 to see if it’s true. The next day Aliza turned on the tv to see what the numbers are. “ The lottery number today is… 7, 8,2,5! And the reward money is one million dollars! “YES YES YES I WON I WON!” Screamed Aliza at the top of her lungs. She was so happy! And that is the story of the girl with one million dollars.
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