Write a poem with the title “Opening the Cupboard”.
There are many routes that you could take in this poem. Skeletons in the closet, scenes of domestic life, a metaphor for revelation?
Opening The Cupboard
Opening the cupboard
Taking a peek inside
The finest plates of China
Property of groom and of bride
Taking plates out
Setting the table now
Knowing she could get out
But never knowing how
Here comes the husband!
Placing the food on his dish
She baked his favorite meal
Compliance with a side of fish
She’s staring out the window
The summer vast and wide
If she opened up the window
She could let the warmth inside
But here she is stagnant
In the ever cold winter
Hoping, dreaming, praying
But the frost has already bit her
“I love my husband
I love this life
Who would want more
Than to be a housewife?”
Yet she is holding onto dreams
She once had when she was young
Of traveling the world
Of basking in the sun
Now those dreams must be forgotten
And she tells herself then,
“Now enjoy today before it’s tomorrow
And you’ll be opening the cupboard again”