Write a narrative from the perspecitve of one of these characters, with a twist that would be unexpected given the scene.
A Tea Party
They couldn’t stop gossiping. Not that I could complain, the more they said at these Elitist parties, the more money I got for reporting back to The Queen of Poors.
“Oh, Arline! Are you enjoying the cake?” Tilly, a beautiful girl that didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut- or what a woman withought a giant dress was. Her bright red hair complimented her bubblegum pink dress so beautifully that it made me hate her even more.
I grimaced as I saw her look slyly at me. I had tried to refrain from eating all the cake on my plate so that it didn’t look like I was as starved as I was, but I felt like a cow after seeing how even the greediest people at the table didn’t even touch their food.
“Oh, it’s truly delicious. Usually I don’t eat this much, but it was just delightful.” I said with a sickly sweet smile on my face.
“I’ll make sure to send your compliments to the chef!” Johan, an oblivious noble in a blue coat with messy blond hair said as he winked at Tilly.
I smirked as I reached to the knife in the belt hidden under my corset. I’m supposed to gather more information, but I can do that with a knife to their throat. Forget pretending to be a lady to gather info, it’s time for the main mission- killing them.