When In Rome.

This was not what he had been sold. Paradise was elsewhere. The agency had told him that diamond mining on SelhoX7 would not only make his fortune but the quality of life offered would guarantee he would never want to return. Sixteen years of cryo sleep for this ! He looked around at his new environment from the landing pad in disbelief. Where were the snow capped mountains, abundant foliage of such beauty and magnitude it would take your breath away ? It was just a dust bowl.

The captain came down the stairs smiling broadly.

“ welcome to X7, what do you think ? “

“ I think I want to get back on and go home “

The captain patted him on the shoulder and laughed.

“ trust me you haven’t seen anything yet, come on the shuttle is coming “

He walked with the others, who all had the same look of total disbelief on there faces, towards the hover shuttle emblazoned with the company’s logo along its side. COAEV with the tagline underneath Making Dreams Come True

He sat next to another young man about his age and held out his hand.

“ Alex “

The young man looked at him wide eyed.

“ Oh, Peter nice to meet you “ and shook his hand.

“ Well Peter what do you think ?”

“ Think we have been sold a lemon “

The shuttle lurched forward at a mad speed.

A pleasant voice came into the cabin over the tannoy.

“ welcome to X7, travel time to the Coliseum will be approximately seventeen minutes. Alex looked at Peter bemused and whispered.

“ Coliseum ? “

Peter held out both his hands and turned to look out of the window. The shuttle soon after came to a slow stop and as the door opened a guttural roar of applause and shouting in the distance filled the cabin.

“ Ok folks “ came the voice over the tannoy “ if you could follow the captain he will show you the way “

They stepped off the shuttle following the captain who was gesturing for them to follow still smiling broadly. Ahead lay an exact replica of the coliseum, they were led through a door way into a chamber lit by candlelight. Ten burly men dressed in full Roman centurion attire entered the chamber. One of them stepped forward and approached them

“ Heroes of earth, you have been chosen to participate in a glorious battle to the death the last man standing will receive rewards beyond your imagination. Should you choose not to fight your life will end here “

With that the centurions pulled there swords from there sheaths in unison.

“ Now brave souls, put on a show, COAEV salutes you “

Alex stepped forward nose to nose with the captain.

“ What does COAEV stand for ? tell me “

The captain smiled

“ Consumer’s of ancient earth violence “

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