
If wishes fell like rain, then certainly I am a storm.

I yearn for a life better than mine

I rely on shooting stars and dandolians to determain my fate

because im too depressed to take charge of my reality

I know I am luckier than some but I cant help fantasizing

I wish I was prettier

I wish I had more money

I wish my body didnt look like this

I wish my teeth were whiter

I wish I was smarter

I wish my personality was more likable

I wish I didnt have all these diagnoses

I wish my family was different

I wish

I wish

I wish

all day sometimes

I blow out the candles on my birthday cake

“I wish to be happy”

I find an eyelash on my cheek and blow it away wishing to be okay

but no matter how many wishes I make nothing seems to change

I give up on shooting stars and dandolians to determain my fate

I am the decider of my reality

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