Friends Again

“Calla, why didn’t you tell us you’re on of them, that you have powers?” Sophia asked Calla.

“We should’ve never agreed to be friends! Then we wouldn’t have been caught up in your mess! You were just a fake, a phony friend, like many others.” Jake says to Calla, walking away from Calla, practically seething from his anger.

Cole stares at Calla, deciding to speak up.

“Weren’t we friends?.. when you revealed just a few hours ago to the head council, saying you have powers, threatening,threatening the head council that you would unleash your powers on them and no would know of their disappearance unless they kept it a secret. I didn’t know what to say. I thought you weren’t like the others, that you wouldn’t hide secrets from us, and not secretly being some-some magic user! I...was-am disappointed in you!” Cole says, yelling at Calla and looking at her in the eye, waiting for what she would say to that. Calla didn’t speak for a moment. Jake already walked away from the friendship they had,Sophia looked at her in a new way-kind of nervous and scared, and Cole...

He just told her that he really trusted her and Calla didn’t mean to use Powers as the excuse at the time. She didn’t think through it, they didn’t know that she was using the label “powers” as a cover. Now..her friends probably wouldn’t believe her if she tried to explain. But maybe-no she owed it to them to try to explain at least. Calla opens her mouth, ready to say what she had to say. “Allow me to demonstrate”, she said steadily. “I have no magical abilities, I am just incredibly perceptive.”

Calla said, making her voice a bit louder so Jake could hear from where he was standing off to the side. “I was trying to use the magical abilities title to cover for what I really have. I am really perceptive..I had found out a secret about the head council and when they finally had an excuse, they would probably execute me. I had to do something and if they thought I had powers they wouldn’t even think about it.” I say, looking my friends one at a time in the eye, with a steady gaze. Jake stood leaning against the brick wall and walks over to where we are. He looks at me dead in the eye. “Let’s make a vow, Promise to never become a magic user and to not keep magic relating secrets from us.” Jake says, holding out his hand, and a simple,blank piece of paper. Calla stares at the paper. She wanted to do this....right?

Before she could hesitate any more Calla took the paper and wrote with a pen, her vow, and shook his hand. He did the same. Then my other friends did the same. After my explanation, Sophia looked less uneasy,Cole looked at me with a serious face yet also made a weak smile.

“We’re friends again.” Jake says, a bit softly. Jake’s gruff,hard smile returned and we all became good friends again.

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