You find a non-functioning old pocket watch in an antique shop.
Write the story of when the pocket watch stopped.
Having nothing better to do today, I went out strolling the streets. I looked in the windows of all the old shops that have been here forever, but I never bothered with before.
In one antique shop, I saw an old Fossil pocket watch, one that brought back memories. I went into the shop, and inquired about it. The shopkeeper was sullen, but handed me the watch before he went off to do whoever he needed to do. I looked at the cover, it was the old Enterprise from the Original Star Trek Series. I opened the watch up, and saw it wasn’t working. The time was 10:13. Damn. Was this the watch?
Memories flooded back. Twenty years ago, I was traveling the country, foolish and carefree. Just the pack on my back, watch in my pocket, camera around my neck. I was going to “make it” as a free lance photographer, sell my photos of random sights I saw on m travels. Ah, the dreams of youth.
It was in Vegas that it happened. Shocker, right? I had run out of money, and decided to try to win some back. You remember when I said I was foolish, right? I was shit at craps, but I tried my luck anyway. Lost it all, out of the streets. Pawned my camera, I could get it back later. Stashed the pack behind a dumpster.
Not having enough for a room, and just enough for a meal, I hunkered down in an alley and ate my cheap sandwich. I heard noises behind me, and saw the roughest looking dude I have yet seen on my travels. He grunted something vile and sexist, and I knew I had to run. He grabbed me, and I whacked his head with the watch. He was thrown off his stride, and went down hard. The watch fell, and cracked. The tome was 10:13. And, again being foolish, I just ran.
No one had seen what what happened, which suited me fine. I doubted the guy was permanently injured, but I didn’t want to find out. My pack was gone, my camera pawned, my watch smashed. Time to end the adventure.
Luck then decided to grace me. On quarter slots, I had actually won enough for a ticket home. Twenty years passed, and I just told the story as an amusing anecdote. I had no regrets. Bought a new camera, still haven’t made it, but I’m trying.
The watch was marked at $10. Foolish for a broken watch, but remember I am foolish? Found the sullen shopkeeper, bought my watch, and strolled back on the streets, grinning to myself. It was time for new adventures.