Go North

My body shivered, muscles quaking, teeth chattering. I had no idea where I was. And there seemed to be no land marks. Every direction I looked in was filled with empty, dead, fields. Fields that had once probably flourished with corn, or wheat, or soy beans, now, just barren. I knew I needed to get out of here. I had to run. To save my own life. To live. I had to find my way out of this wasteland and to civilization. My feet shuffled against the dirt. I couldn’t remember the last time that I had been outside. I wasn’t used to moving around that much. My body felt weak. I looked up at the sky, the moon hung low and large in the sky. And out here, in the middle of nowhere the stars twinkled brightly. I didn’t know which way to go. So I decided to trace the constellations until I found Ursa Major and the North Star. North seemed as good a way as any. It had worked for the Wise Men once. Maybe North could also lead me to salvation.

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