Chapter Three: A Plan Involving A Brick 🧱

(Chapter two is lost and found)

I walk back to the small flat that we have spent many years toiling for, switching from job to job from city to city. I make sure that I memorize the way to the secret door in the alleyway, so that I can come back tomorrow.

I finally reach the flat, I flop down on to the small mattress that I used to share with Camila (Elijah would sleep on the floor because he said that the mattress was lumpy and uncomfortable and that he liked to be able to feel solid ground beneath him). My brain was buzzing, trying to figure out what I had just seen. What was Elijah doing? And who was the girl? Did Elijah have a secret lover? But no, it couldn’t be that. He would have just told me. Was he doing something illegal? No, that’s even less likely, he was usually the one keeping me out of trouble not the other way around. If neither of those, then what was he doing? And why was he hiding?

Mirabella made her way through the the streets making sure to not draw any attention, though there weren’t many people on the street at this hour anyway. a heavy brick was concealed under her coat, pressing into her stomach.

She new there was probably an easier way to open the door that also didn’t involve getting anyone hurt , but she didn’t have enough time to make another plan. Every minute that she wasted was one more minute that Elijah could be in trouble. she arrived at the alleyway breathing hard, She hadn’t noticed that she had started to run until she had reached her destination, Mira skidded to a stop, worried that someone inside the door had heard her pounding feet.

“Dang!” She said under her breath, the trash can she was going to hide behind was gone, now when someone opened the door they would see her right away, and her chance would be ruined.

She instead pressed herself against the corner wall, it wasn’t an ideal hiding place but at least she wasn’t out in the open. She was grateful that it was night though, for if it had been day there would surely be people still out, and it’s hard to escape attention when you just hit someone in the head with a brick.


Hiya everyone! Hope you all are liking my little set of short stories(sorry for the very unimaginative titles), please comment tips or whether you liked it or not! Or just tell me how your doing, I would love to hear from you in general.



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