I Was Only Looking For My Phone

I was only looking for my phone. But instead I found hundreds of imprisoned people in a lab of sorts with screens, monitors, and tubes full of different colour fluids. After 19 years living in this house and my parents had this behind their dresser this whole time.

I had just gotten back from my night shift at Circle K and was very tired, and mom and dad were out doing who knows what. They never had time for me and they probably never will, but I don’t care soon I will be gone from here I just need to find my phone. First I check the kitchen but don’t find it, second I check the laundry room but no luck, then I check my parents room but god knows why it would be in there but it’s worth a try. There it is right on their dresser! “Weird” I say but go to grab it nonetheless, what I don’t see is the 25 pound weight on the floor, I trip hitting my head on the dresser and when I get up it seems there is a light coming from behind it. I put my phone in my pocket and start to move the dresser revealing a hole in the wall that goes onto a staircase going down. I go inside and start walking but as I round a corner I shriek when I see rows and rows of people hanging lifeless hooked up to tubes and machines. My gut tells me to get out but I continue further into the facility or whatever horrid science project this is, when I round another corner I enter a room full of hazmat suits connected to a quarantine. I put hazmat suit on think this is bad idea and open the doors into the quarantine, what I see is more lifeless bodies but not human bodies. These are hybrids or mutants if you prefer to call them that with gnarled features, some have scales, some have feathers, some are minuscule, and some big, I am horrified and think I must leave but I am halted as a Komodo dragon-panther hybrid opens its eyes and stares at me. I am paralyzed with fear as it lunges at the glass in front of it detaching some of the cables and tubes attached to it, finally my survival instinct kicks in and I start to run away back down the halls. I talk a left down a hallway i did not see before and keep running while taking off the hazmat suit, I hear glass break behind me and round another corner thinking of what to do. I see a fire extinguisher on the wall and grab it hiding behind a table nearby, as I hear it enter the room I get ready and when it almost discovers me I smash the fire extinguisher as hard I can into it’s skull and run. Spraying it behind me I give myself a little bit of time to get out of there, I see the exit but before I can get my hopes up it crashes through the window and tackles me tearing me to shreds only to be forgotten like the countless others imprisoned in that facility.

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