Submitted by bianca
It wasn’t yours to take, but nevertheless you ripped it from my grasp
Write an insta-poem using this as the opening line. An insta-poem uses short, direct lines that would suit a small screen.
It wasn’t yours to take,
But nevertheless,
You ripped it from my grasp.
It wasn’t your choice to make,
But like always,
I’ll have the last laugh.
I’m the little girl lost,
But I’ll pay the cost.
It’s not your battle to win or lose.
But you love trying,
Always prying,
Leave it up to me to choose.
I’ve wasted time,
Waiting in line,
But it’s all over now.
When it said and done,
I’ll be the one,
To stand and take a bow.
You, my dear,
The puppeteer,
I’ve cut the strings, when will you learn?
Sweet baby,
Don’t you think maybe,
It’s time I took my turn?
I’ll soak everything,
In gasoline,
And watch you crash and burn.