Dragons really do exist, but they're certainly not mean and terrifying...

The Lost Wyrmling

Genia was once a magical land teeming with awe-inspiring creatures everywhere you looked. As the decades surpassed and humans began to progress past the need for magic, relying on automation and robotics. These changes in the culture of the world led to the hunting of these beings for their essence. One by one the relics of our ancient world were believed to have been killed off; unicorns, mermaids, and until recently dragons. Recorded as the fiercest, most blood thirsty beings in existence, dragons once ruled the skies of Genia. Believed to have been driven to extinction for their valuable scales, a Wyrmling has been found in the Stormspire Mountains. Nature preservationists have descended onto this mountain range, weathering the permanent storms in order to protect this young survivor. Clad in electric blue scales and the sproutings of a crown of horns. The last dragon has taken to the lead preservationists, Vitori Lancing, who describes the presence of this young drake as reassuring and a sign that we haven’t fully forsaken the natural world. Many wish for the blue dragon to be put down for fear of what he may become, the eldest citizens across the land still remember the reign of Cobalas, The Thunder King. A cruel and tyrannical ruler that had been slain upwards of eighty years ago. Progressives within the nearest nations believe that without the influence of the dragons of old, this young prince may become a positive sign for the future. At this point the worst offense done by the lost wyrmling, named Deis for the second chance that he represents, is eating the left shoe of his protectors.

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