Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.
Time Marches
“I told her.”
They all look up as we see a drenched Paul walking in from the storm.
“No you didn’t!?” Emily screams in disbelief, running from the kitchen to get the details.
“I told her and she told me we could never be. It would never work. We’re just friends.” Tears being masked by the droplets of rain falling down Paul’s face.
“Damn dude, that’s fuckin rough.” Mikey says as walking over to a drenched Paul.
“Fuck her dude, it’s her loss if she wants to be with the fuckin high school peakers!!” Walker screams. Grabbing a beer from the fridge for him and Paul. Using a lighter he pops the cap and hands the beer to Paul.
“You might not get the girl like the movies and stories bro. But you’ll always have us. We all Love you and we got you. You’re gonna kill it at State next year and forget all about her.” Emily’s words came out as soft and reassuring as someone who was 3 times her age.
“Thanks guys, I really thought she was the one. It’s not fuckin fair. I did everything right.” Paul throwing the bottle back. Swirling it and chugging it in a matter of seconds. “You know what, you guys are right. Fuck her! I got everything I need right here with you guys.!”