Basic Needs

Maria lay propped up on the couch surrounded by pillows and covered by three blankets that couldn’t keep the chills away. She stared at the wall wondering if this was the end of it all. Death by boredom.

Her head pounded every time she blinked. Her nose was unusable and the air scratched her throat with every breath. She needed a distraction but the room was silent and the TV was dark.

Cursing her earlier self for not prepping the couch better before laying down, she tried to turn her head. She could see the table - it was within reach. All it would take is moving the blankets off her body. An impossible task.

She had to try. Her arms felt heavy as she slowly moved them under the blankets. Muscles protested and cried in agony. It was as if they had been tenderized and flattened.

She tried to lift her head but her neck refused to flex and stayed stiff. Exhausted at the small movements, she collapsed her body back into the couch and pillows. There was nothing left in her.

“John?” Her voice cracked and croaked. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Johnny?”

Steps from the kitchen let her know she’d been heard. Her boyfriend came around the corner.

“Aw babe, what’s up? You look awful.” He walked over to the couch and tucked her in a little tighter. “Anything I can do?”

“Remote.” She whispered.

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