
Corona. A pandemic, a world crisis.

But that is what The People think, it is just a virus.

Just like the Spanish flu.

Corona is green, masks are blue, and I’m stuck at home with you.

Everybody is in quarantine acting like they are having the time of their lives, but they are all dying inside.

The government gives safety procedures but don’t follow it themselves.

Kids are like particles you can’t keep them inside forever

They are bound to escape from their container one day.

People peeking out of windows blinded by the sunlight like vampires.

But I know this will end soon.

I’m sure it will.

Will people be robots by the end of this?

Lockdown is like a prison.

You are restricted to one hour of exercise.

When did simple liberties become illegal?

Chores are your daily norm.

Sunlight we rolled on; not anymore- Corona is the new sheriff in town.

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