Describe a character's physical appearance through the eyes of someone who feels intense jealousy for them.

How accurate would the description be when tainted by strong emotion?

Is It Jealousy?

Her eyes are like two everlasting pools

You can see every emotion within them

And yet they’re still a void

Her hair is always bouncy and long

Little flecks of gold within her brown

Like a stream of honey among the chocolate river

She always walks with quite confidence

Poised and regal

Stands up straight like a Queen

The way her skin sparkles in the sun

Like a fresh coat of snow on a winters day

Yet to be disturbed

Her voice of velvet

Kind and cool

Like a warm hug when you hear it

I can’t help but feel sour

Why can’t I have those things

All I have is me

I’m not bad

But she is so much better

Even as I look to her now my heart flutters

I told my friends once

About how i thought she looked

They told me I was jealous

Now I’m not sure

As I watch her laugh

And her eyes light up

And she looks at me

As my eyes meet hers

My smile grows

I feel heat in my cheeks

She was so pretty

So much better than me

With her eyes of deep blue

Swirling like a stormy sea

Small grey clouds over boundless waves

Her hair is like a crackling fire

The leaves on the trees in the fall

A beautiful copper friz and all

Her little shifting as she stands

One foot to the next

I know that she’s nervous

The way her tone shifts in the light

A simple rich color

That can be dark and bright

Her voice so quiet

So slow and so sweet

Little stutters and missteps

I’d hear on repeat

I’d never told anyone about how I feel

She’s just so perfect

And yet so real

I feel so fake

When I’m around her

My confidence fades

It passes a blur

Now I’m not sure

As our eyes meet

And she looks away

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