Submitted by Shadowdrake27
Write about a character who is up against impossible odds.
Your character doesn’t have to succeed or fail, they just have to know the odds are against them.
The Last Round
“I don’t need your fucking money” Billy throws a stack of cash back at Joe Collie just as he was about to leave.
He stagers from the bar stool to Joe Collie’s face, away from the half glass of Burgundy he’d been drinking.
“You took from me….” He says, staring, droopy-eyed, directly at Joe Collie” You stole from me Joe.. you took him from me”
“Listen, Billy, you should head on home don't even wor_”
“Ohhh…To hell with that !” he shouts interrupting Joe.
“I am his father,
Not you, me!”
the whole bar fell silent, no chitchat could be heard. Every pair of ears was tuned to Stapolton’s Tennessee whiskey blasting from the FM radio and the words that fumbled out of Billy's mouth.
Neither man broke their laser focus from the other's eyes Billiy’s was that of a man possessed with conviction while Joe’s remained an enigma throught the encounter.
“See I don't want my son…hm,
My boy,
I don't want him, near you”
Joe forces out a smile which he hides with his palm. Every time he looks at the droopy old drunk standing crooked gazing daggers at him he can't help but smile. The same was the case for Billy, once he noticed the smile he couldn't help but do the same. It was visceral, like two dogs showing teeth before a fight.
“You say you know me”
“Yes” Billy responds
“ really know me, Billy
Do you?”
“ yes I do…yeah”
“ I don't believe you
because look at where you are
Look at where you are standing right now”
“Ha ha ha “Billy bursts laughing at Joe Collie’s remarks. His posture stiffens even more his eyes veer off to the side then back at Joe Collie who is now also chuckling at the sight of Billiys amusement.
“Big man now. Huh
The big bad. Yeah?
I do know you, Joe, I've known you since back when snot dripped to the side of your lip”
“You did ?” he asks with a wider smile than before
“ I did, Joe, I did”
the tension between them was thick, no one could think of uttering a single word. They were at each other's throats with their gaping teeth ever so present.
“your son ohh god
How did I forget” The smile fades from Billiys expression his hands twitch with frustration “Honestly, how did I forget”
“He started all this right
The catalyst”
“Don't you fu_”
“Or what!” he interrupts
“ you have no power over me or him,” he says looking down at Billy as his anger bubbles to the surface.” Isn't he the breadwinner now”
Billy’s hand shoots through the air, landing a hard slap across Joe's cheek. Joe staggers back, eyes wide. For a moment, both men freeze, locked in a shared shock. Then, like a flipped switch, they lunge at each other.
Billy swings wildly, his fists uncoordinated and heavy, fueled more by rage. Joe dodges most of the blows, ducking to the side as Billy’s knuckles graze his ear. With a sharp grunt, Joe steps in close, driving a fist into Billy’s jaw with a sickening thud. Billy stumbles back, dazed, but manages to throw a sloppy punch that lands on Joe’s ribs.
Joe grimaces, but doesn’t hesitate. With a quick motion, he grabs Billy by the collar, yanking him off balance, and slams him onto the bar floor. The sound of Billy’s body hitting the ground reverberates through the silent bar.
“Don't make me dirty my shoes Billy” he says while standing on top of him, both men panting.
He throws the money back at Billiys face
“ Poison yourself, buy the misses a new bra I don't give a fuck” he stares down at Billy” Just don't let me see those teeth again”
Joe then leaves Billy on the bar floor bruised.