Write a story where you give a different meaning to an ordinary compound word.

Take a word that could be split into two separate words, and give it a new meaning! For example, ‘supermarket’ could be a market for superheroes.


The trembling of my hands was the only thing keeping me tethered with reality, as I tried to tear the letter open. My mind felt like a tornado, I… I… Real?… Fake?…. Truth?… Lie?…… dream…. Death?

When I finally got a slit in the envelope, I saw the thing I had been waiting for my whole life. The paper had a small wet spot. Only then I realized tears were streaming down my face. Somehow, I was crying………excitement…… fear… pain…… sorrow?

M…moo…mom a long time ago said something about this letter. Warning maybe? Story, doesn’t matter but it was about something bad that happened once, but that doesn’t matter now. It’s here and it’s time.

I don’t know why, but the thought is gone as quickly as it came. Almost like my subconscious pulling it back in, hiding the truth. I can’t think of it though, so I look ate the paper and read.

“Dear Liyah Nemi Lono,

We are glad to invite you to the annual stargaze, since this is your first one we have added the rules an instructions to this letter. Also on the back is your assigned star gazing partner. We hope you enjoy!


1. Keep glasses on at all times

2. Be silent

3. Enjoy the gaze

4. No outside items

5. Breaking any rules will result in immediate removal and ban


1. Check in

2. Fill out paper(Full name, Job, health, and Stargaze partner)

3. Grab glasses

4. Get to set space, lay down and enjoy”

the gaze

4. No outside items

5. Breaking any rules will result in immediate removal and ban

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