A couple's thrilling game of dares escalates, pushing them to increasingly risky and illegal activities.

Never Again

“I’ll never forgive her! Not ever!”

Hi, my name is Eddie and I was in a beautiful relationship with a girl named Lauren who I’ve known since I was little.

At first, Lauren and I were best friends and she had an incredibly infectious smile always fixed on her face with brilliantly dark hair that would dance in the strongest of winds.

Lauren was also extremely helpful too however, when it comes to loyalty, that was definitely the thing her mind lacked let alone her heart.

One day, Lauren and I chose to play the classic game “Dares” which involves doing something that requires an immense amount of bravery but this time, Lauren gave me a dare that seemed to be harder than A-level Maths (trust me that’s tough.)

“Eddie, I dare you to go and smash Callum’s window!” Lauren exclaimed with an enormous grin on her face. Why would I even do that? Yeah Callum was a horrible rat when we were in school don’t get me wrong but come on! We’ve moved on now!

Callum lived just across the street from where Lauren and I lived and we always bickered in school and he did something I’d rather not go into when we were in art class but after we received a harsh detention, he eventually stopped so I don’t know why I’d bother but I suppose I had to do what was right for my girl right?

After I finished my hot cup of tea, put my mug down and picked up my hammer from my bedroom that I use for work, anxiously walked out of my home and…

Smash! I flung my hammer straight at Callum’s kitchen window which caused a deafening smashing noise which made me jump out of my skin with the sound. Why wouldn’t it anyway? It’s glass after all!

After I immediately scurried back into my house, I could hear the howling laughter from Lauren in the living room so I walked over to her offering a hi-five but before Lauren could give me one…

“Boom!” A bullet loudly hit the front door frame of my house and I knew something wasn’t right so I crept into the kitchen to look outside the window and what I saw made my blood run as cold as ice.

Callum was pointing a revolver at my home with a shady-looking gang standing behind him and I knew something was starting to go sour, very sour so I went to speak to Lauren about it and she replied saying “Let ‘em.” Why would she even say that? That’s disgusting until…

“I asked you to do that dare so you can leave me alone. I’m done!” Lauren said in a wicked voice.

I hate liars! I always have done so after I quickly called the police to come to my home about the shooting, it didn’t take long for the police to arrive and for the terrifying banging to stop but suddenly, when the banging stopped, a police officer barged into my house snd for some reason, he forced Lauren to stand up from the sofa as the officer cuffed her.

“Excuse me officer, why is my girlfriend arrested?” I asked in a worried voice. “Sir, the gang told me that your girlfriend called them to find and shoot you when you were out doing a so-called dare I’ll show you.” The police officer all of a sudden took Lauren’s phone out of the left pocket of her jeans and shown me a text that almost made my eyes flood with tears…

“Boys, do me a solid, my boy is here, get rid of him.”

Why would she even send that horrific text to a gang? She supported a criminal! I’m never dating her again. Never again!

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