by Sans @

Write a story titled "When I Look in the Mirror".

When I look In The Mirror

I looked in the mirror and saw my face melt off into oblivion. The acid was so strong that I realized two hits would have been enough instead of taking four of them at once.

I stared at myself and saw a man who was a beast but yet an extraordinary being. A human being that was capable of infinite greatness and galantry all encapsulated inside a male looking meatsuit.

I saw something no one else did. I saw the epitome of goodness and love and harmony. I saw a dude that wanted to be the baddest motherfucker on the planet.

I saw a wounded child that desired and yearned for true affection and care and consideration that he never received from his mother and father.

I saw a giant black colored pupil abyss of insanity that could only hope to be full and whole again one day.

Most people look in the mirror and either like or dislike what they see, or they don’t think anything of it at all.

I saw potential and I saw beauty and sexiness and an understanding of what it meant to be a conscious loving being that chose to be human in this life just once more.

After about 6 hours of playing peak-a-boo with myself the acid started to wear off.

When it wears off you feel as if you have lived and died all within one experience.

I hoped to be expansive and to be something that was more than what I was. But I confided in myself that being infinite meant a lot more than what I could wrap my mind around. Any type of confliction or ambivalence proved that I still just wanted to play small and not “truly” be or become that bad ass that I was. Namaste.

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