Stupid Question

She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.

Everybody in the school corridor gasped. I think I let out a whimper, I then softly asked;


Which I knew was the stupidest thing I could have said. I’ve been bullying this girl for 3 months straight. She must have had enough of me. Anyone could’ve worked that out. So stupid of me to even ask that question.

“What a stupid question.”

She hissed. So she agreed with me. Heck, I could not agree more. She proceeded to talk to me, as if I was a small child.

“Y’know how they say there are no such thing as stupid questions? Well, actually there are y’know. I’d say the one you’ve just asked me is exactly one of them.”

My eyes. Shot open wide. I am too scared to breathe. I thought; any movement and my guts will spill. I was so scared.

“Y’know.. you shouldn’t push people too far. You never know when they would’ve had enough… You don’t want people to think they’d had enough, because they might do something really stupid y’know… something like this….!”

She jerked the knife and pulled it away from my abdomen and I wailed.

My eyes widened further as I saw that the knife she pulled away from me had no blade.

I breathed out a combination of sobs and screams.

“Don’t bite more than what you can chew b*tch. You might one day just regret it.”

She flicked her bladeless knife and out came the blade from the handle. It was a stage prop knife.

My eyes widened again with relief.

My vision blurred with tears as my knees gave away and ended up sitting on the floor.

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