Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.

My Own Milan

I think I have just met the happiest person in the world.

When she looks around her she sees all the pain and suffering, but chooses to focus on the little bit of joy she can find. When she smiles the whole room brightens, the atmosphere instantly lifted. Nothing can bring her down, for she walks on the air of confidence. She’s been through hell, and now she’s back.

She doesn’t let anyone take advantage of her, but she never makes an enemy. Many people loathe her for her happiness, the tangs of jealousy too strong for their heart. She never lets it bother her. I have never seen her cry! Not since that night, at least. That night that changed her.

Some might say that it’s impossible to be that happy all the time, but she does not have a choice. You are either happy or sad, and being sad isn’t productive. She feels the depression, but chooses not to let it bring her down. She doesn’t have a partner, only a partner in crime. A miniature version of herself to fill her shoes and time with love. The sweet little smiles and giggles fill her mind with light when the dark tries to creep in.

I think I have just met the happiest person in the world, in my bathroom mirror. I’m looking at my reflection, and she’s staring back at me.

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