Write a poem in ‘revorto’ form.

A reverto poem uses couplets that alternate between one highly poetic and one very unpoetic line. The form is meant to jar the reader from a sense of poetic beauty to something other.

will the Beauty be mine?

the snake saw beauty for the first time when it flew through the sky looking so divine the snake wondered and pondered how colors so beautiful existed a flap of its wings and then it sank onto the petals from which it drank why was the snake not born with wings it wanted to fly alongside the benign the snake wished it could capture as it stayed so still, enraptured it tensed up as if ready to leave and the snake couldn’t help but cleave the pretty colors became a tainted red the snake just wanted it to stay the snake did not know love although it wished to for it was born with sharp fangs to chew and scary eyes and ugly scales that everyone fears for he was never created for beauty, just to kill
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