Tasked with hosting your friend's engagement celebration, you throw an elaborate party in a forest.

The Party Planner

This was big. There was no time to delay. I had to pick an auspicious day. Be it now or on the day at last, time will surely pass. A day that the sun will shine throughout the day’s light where we’d dance and cheer and the bride (aka my dear friend) could enjoy her merry night.


There is much to do. Much to d—


I blink, looking at the brood of boys with berry residue around their mouths. “Hey! You guys didn’t eat the berries for the ceremony, did you?”

Tirune giggles, hands over his mouth in a mischievous smile. “No.”

“Maybe a little.” Miel admits.

I sigh. “Go wash up before your mother sees you two. She’ll make you cough them back up if you don’t hurry!”

They gasp, flying off and nearly crashed into the table decor I spent hours on the placement of.

I shake my head and call Tilly over. She’s my helper. “Be a dear and pluck some fresh berries, will you? I’m afraid we are running low after those little munchkins helped themselves to them.”

She nods. “Yes, my lady.”

“Lady Athena.”

I look past the retreating Tilly at my worse headache and frown. He is sure to ruin my crown. An elf of great renown. “Hello, Your Highness.”

The King’s brother. The most esteemed Duke. Some even say he’s managed to abet an army of mini hims running around somewhere. Others say otherwise.

When he pulls off the dashing smile, his dimples stick out. “Dare I say you are looking more beautiful by the day. Is it in preparation for my elder brother’s joyous day?”

I narrow my gaze on him. “I feel I look the same as always. I’ve done nothing different.”

He leans down, our faces inches apart. “No, you’ve definitely changed something.”

“No, I—“

He lifts a bundle of my hair. “Your hair. You’ve let it down. Am I wrong in thinking this means I have a chance at courting the beautiful lady?”

I take two steps back. “My future queen told me that this style suited me better for her big day. Besides, only half is down.”

“Others will get the wrong impression.”

“Even if that is the case, you are the only one who is so bold as to approach, Your Highness. I’ve been out here since day break.”

He straightens up and chuckles. “Of course, the lesser folk should know their place.”

“We are equal.” I say, my hand clenched on the clipboard. There is still so much to do.

“Would you say so to my brother, the King?”

“There is a clear line between his majesty and I, your highness, but that doesn’t mean that our lives are more important than theirs. We all have things we must do to serve a purpose. For you to suggest that another man has no chance at being my husband doesn’t please me in the slightest. Please be on your way. I have pressing matters to attend to.”

“Are you upset?”

“Who I am to be upset with your highness?”

“You are free to express yourself before me, lady Athena. You are to be my future wife, after all.”

The workers freeze.

He is truly despicable. This is satire. Every word that leaves his tongue is a mockery onto me! “I say again, please be on your way.”

He sighs. “I shall return at a later hour.” The Duke comes a step closer, leans down just enough to have my ear and whispers, “Forgive me for upsetting you so. If my words hurt you—“

“I do not wish to hear it.” I turn away from him.

I feel his gaze pinning me to this very spot, until finally, he turns and leaves. And how mesmerized am I at the sight of his beautiful wings. He isn’t loved by all for no reason. By all except me, that is.

“Nana!” I barely have time to react when she hits me.

With every ounce of energy in me depleted (no thanks to the Duke), I barely make an effort to pry her arms from around my neck. “This is inappropriate and so is the nickname.”

“Says who?” Shes opts to rest her hands on my shoulder instead, training her eyes on mine.

“It’s taboo.” I shrug.

She snorts, leans in and rubs her nose against mine. “And who will stop me?”

I shake my head in utter defeat. “Here I was thinking the royal life would of changed you somehow, your majesty.”

“Ugh,” she covers her face and cues the theatrics. “Don’t address me as such, Nana! You’re my only friend in this lonely world.”

“Nonsense. The King is your friend.”

She shakes her head, disappointed in my response. “The King is to be my husband. Not friend. I need a friend. You fit the description perfectly.” She loops her arm with mine and begins dragging me down the hall.

It’s only natural for us to fly literally everywhere, but she’s always been considerate on me. And I’ll always have her best interest in heart. Nothing will go wrong at her wedding ceremony.

“Oh! I heard that a certain Duke paid you a visit.”

I blink, looking elsewhere just as fast. “I do not wish to speak about it.”

She pulls me into a vacant corner of the palace halls and pins me to the wall. “Come on, Athena. Why not give him a chance? I assure you those rumors of him having a brood of secret children are just that. Rumors. Ron told me so.”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what is it? He’s obviously courting you. I mean, just last week he threw a party in your name for your birthday! I know you rejected, but still. And now, I hear he went to meet you earlier today.” She wiggles her brows suggestively. “Allow yourself a small happiness, Nana.”

“He looks down on common folk, calls them less that is simply because we live in a palace. He’s impulsive. And inconsiderate. And I feel as though he mocks me with those ridiculously huge wings of his and it angers me so much!”

Her eyes widen at my outburst. “Whoa.”

I turn away. “He puts on public displays time and again and pretends as though he’d actually take a broken fairy like me. I just know he laughs behind my back.”

“That simply isn’t true! Athena, what happened to you isn’t your fault. Nobody blames or shames you! He’d be scum to laugh at you! And if he has, I’ll tell him off.”

“No!” I clasp her hand. “Don’t. Please. I just… being alone is better for me. I’m content with my life as it is.”

Giselle caresses my cheek with her free hand. “Content but not happy.”

I gently take her hand from my face and release her altogether, slipping out from under her trap. “Perhaps I am not meant to be happy.” I bow. “Please find rest early tonight, Your Majesty. Tomorrow will be here in the blink of an eye.”


I hurry off to my quarters and shut the door behind me. After a little moment of silence, I take off my cloak and hang it on the desk chair. I set the clipboard down on the dark wood and sigh.

What was I thinking raising my voice at her? She’ll be my rightful Queen by tomorrow. We’ll hardly be as close as we once were before his majesty began courting her. Before we even entered the High Court.

I pull my tunic off and fold it neatly before setting it on the edge of the bed.

There’s a knock.

I reach for my cloak just as the voice speaks. “Forgive me for showing up at this late hour. No need to open the door for me, I shall speak from here.”

The Duke?

“Whatever I’ve done to upset you, I sincerely apologize. The last I want you to think of me as is dishonest.” When I say nothing, he continues. “I truly intend to court you to the fullest. I don’t care how much you attempt to push me away. I know those that are easy to give up, get nothing in the end.”

I shake my head. “You’ll be wasting your precious time, Your Highness. I have everything I could ever want. If I wanted a husband, I would have one.”

“Give me a chance.”

“You’ll only embarrass yourself being seen next to me.”

Utter silence.

Did he run out of things to say?

“What did you just say?”

I stare at the door. “Being seen next to me—“

“Pardon me.” The knob twists.

I gasp. He’s coming in?!

I barely manage to grab my cloak in time to cover myself before he steps inside, pushing the door close behind him. “W-what do you think you’re doing?! If someone should see us—“

“What do you mean I’ll embarrass myself by being seen next to you?”

“This is innappropiate, your highness!”

“I asked you a question, Athena.”

My back hits the bed post. “I can’t fly. You know this. Everyone does!”

He frowns deeply, inching closer. “So what? Are you ashamed of yourself because of that fact?”

I hold the fabric tighter. “Without them, I am no different from a human.”

He sighs. “Are you serious?”

“It’s the truth.” I glare at him.

“You are so much more.”

“Please stop.”

“You speak of the truth yet you don’t like hearing the truth about yourself. You are not any less of a Faerie than I am, Athena.”

“You’re mocking me!” Tears blur my vision.

His gaze narrows on my face. “Mockery? That’s what my words sound like to you?”

“What else should they sound like? You can only say such things because you want for nothing! You don’t know how it feels to be unable to do something so natural! To have to see the others fly without a care while I am the only one who is incapable of doing so!”

I flinch when he wipes away a tear. “What would you have me do to cease your pain? Would it satisfy you if I were to have my wings torn?”

My heart sinks in horror. “W-what?”

“Would you accept me then? Would you smile then?”

I shake my head. “I wouldn’t ask such a thing from you! Not from anyone!”

“I am offering, Athena.”

“I don’t accept! Why would you subject yourself to such pain for me? I-I’ve done nothing to deserve your attention.”

He tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “You do not have to do anything but be yourself, Athena. Why can’t you see what I see? Why can’t you see how prefect you are?”

My lips quake. More tears spill from my eyes.

“Please don’t cry.” He presses his forehead against mine. “Do you want to wake up with puffy eyes tomorrow morning?”

I shake my head.

“Then stop crying.”

I suck it up. What’s left of my tears, he wipes away.

When he catches my eyes, something happens. Something bad. The worst thing imaginable. The Duke kisses me. And I—I like it.

I jump when his hands lift me. I’m too preoccupied with his surprisingly soft lips to notice when exactly we’re on my bed. The cloak is gone. Perhaps it fell on the way here or was it when he picked me up? Ugh, what does it matter?

Everything happens so fast. And the thing I know, it’s morning and I wake up in the Duke’s arms with nothing on.

I’ve never moved more stealthily in my lifetime.

This cannot be real. What does it matter?! Am I insane? I-I mean, I slept with the King’s brother! W-what’ll happen to me now?

I nearly scream when he shifts in my bed, under my sheets. Our garments are scattered across the floor.

I slowly slide into my leggings, my tunic and my cloak before exiting my sleeping quarters. Immediately.

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