Black, White, And Gray

Dana slipped the last weapon into the inside of the dress and pulled it over herself.

“Hey, Hunter? Could you zip me up?” Dana called over to her boyfriend and partner-in-crime.

“Sure, love,” he said, sauntering over and placing a kiss on her neck.

Dana grinned, turned around and kissed him full on the mouth.


Dana and Hunter broke apart sheepishly and turned to look at their boss.

Jax was short, burly, with a long scar from his eyebrow to his chin. No one knows how he got it.

“Stop dawdling and get ready for the mission at hand. This is time sensitive! At exactly 12:50 am, there will be a distraction. You two need to go and steal the jewelry. Got it?”

Dana and Hunter nodded dutifully. They had this speech ingrained in their minds.

“Good. Now go. There’s a car outside that will take you to the party.”

Dana and Hunter walked towards the door. Dana slipped her hand into his and squeezed. Hunter turned to look at her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“It’ll be okay.”


The party was packed. It was being hosted by the Caswells, the richest people in the town. They owned half of it.

Dana and Hunter grabbed a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter.

Hunter downed his glass, then took Dana’s and downed it too.

“Whoa. Slow down.”

“You can’t have any anyway.”

“Ugh, I know. I could really use some liquid courage right now.”

Hunter sighed. “I know, love. But, if we succeed, we could live happily. Without worrying about where we’re going to get food everyday.”

Dana wrapped her arms around him. “I know.”

They swayed in place to the music, lost in their own thoughts, comforted by each other’s presence.

When the clock hit 12:50, fifty officers dressed in black hazmat suits burst in through every entrance.

The ballroom turned into panic. People were yelling, crying, kicking the officers in the shins.

In all the commotion, Dana and Hunter were able to slip out of the ballroom unnoticed.

“Okay,” Dana pulled out the blueprints of the mansion she got weeks before and found the path they had sketched.

“Pretty simple.”

They followed the path and reached a huge wooden door with large brass door knobs. They pushed the door open and stumbled into what looked like a closet.

“There,” Dana said, pointing to a safe on the other side, half hidden under some clothes.

They walked over, Hunter pulled out the lock override device and placed it on the safe.


The safe opened.

Dana and Hunter gasped.

There were diamonds, emeralds, gold, and so much more they didn’t know the name for.

Hunter gingerly picked up a necklace.

“This itself is probably worth a few million bucks.”

“Oh my god,” Dana breathed, looking to Hunter with tears in her eyes, “we won’t be poor anymore.”

Hunter grinned and kissed her passionately. “Yeah,” he placed his hand on her stomach, “and neither will she.”

“Yeah,” Dana whispered, looking down wistfully.


“Open up!”

Dana and Hunter looked at each in terror. They hurriedly stuffed some jewelry into a sack and looked around.

Dana pointed to a window in the upper right corner of the room. They could reach it if they climbed on the table.

Meanwhile, the banging was getting louder and the security guards seemed to get close to breaking down the door.

Dana climbed on the table and shoved the window open.

“Come on!” she whisper-yelled to Hunter.

But, Hunter was looking at the door. He took a deep breath and turned to look at Dana.

“You go. I’ll distract them.”

“What?! No! You’ll get caught! You’ll go to jail!”

“It’s the only way. We both won’t be able to make it on time.”

Dana knew he was right, but refused to believe it.

“No. If you go down, I go down,” she said, choking on tears.

“You need to take care of the baby,” Hunter whispered, tears shimmering in his eyes.

They embraced passionately and when they broke apart, nothing needed to be said except,

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

The door broke down and guards burst through it.

“Go!” Hunter yelled at Dana and held up his hands in surrender.

Dana scrambled through the window and shut it. When she looked back, she saw Hunter being handcuffed.

A new wave of tears overtook and she sank to the ground and sobbed.

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