Submitted by Luke

Write a scene or story where a character loses something.

This doesn't have to be an item; what else could they lose?

Gold Locket

“No no no no no. This isn’t good. This is not good.” Elizabeth exclaimed as she frantically ran around her apartment. “Ugh where is it. Where could it be?” Elizabeth started looking in obvious places first, on her desk, the counter, even in her bed sheets. Still nothing. She starts flipping couch cushions and pillows, and checking under every piece of furniture in her home. “Come on where could you be” she asks as she starts panicking. She rips her sheets off her bed and shakes them vigorously. Nothing... so she decides to flip her mattress off her bed. She opens her drawers and rustling through her clothes throwing each shirt out behind her. Running around she starts to tear up and shake. “Please I really really need to find you” she whispers as a tear begins to fall down her face. “Hmph.” She thinks to herself, “I can do this”. She wipes her tear away and puts a serious face on. She is determined to find what she had lost. She runs to her kitchen and opens every drawer and every cabinet, taking everything out. She even goes through the fridge. She sticks her arm in the fridge and reaches for the milk “I had milk yesterday maybe it’s behind here” she says. Elizabeth grabbed the milk and pulled it out of the fridge, then she turned around and tripped on a pot. The milk flew out of her hands and spilt all over the floor. “Shit.. whatever I’ll clean it later” she says... then she hears keys jingle in the lock of the door. “What. Happened. Here.” Her roommate Jasmine said astonished. “I’m looking for my moms locket. You know the gold heart she gave me before she passed away. With a picture of her and my dad in it. I’m looking for it and I can’t find it and..” she started tearing up again “and I really need it for my sisters wedding in two days. It’s supposed to be her wedding gift since she always wanted it and I can’t find it and I can’t believe I lost it” Elizabeth sobbed as she sank to the floor. “Hey hey hey calm down, you mean this locket?” Jasmine says as she holds up a tiny gold locket, in the shape of a heart. “Yeah...” Elizabeth replied, realizing what she has done to their apartment.

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