by Erik Taberman

The character who sits at the head of this table has just made a decision that many people won't like.

Lunar Chronicles Fan-fic


Vargas looked around at the translators behind each government offical. He sighed and turned to his translator, AlliĆØ.

"We need to decide on ONE language so these worker's lives aren't in danger." He said peacefully, watching as the most officials turned with uncertain eyes to there translators.

The Commonwealth's Emporor was one of the few to nod his head in agreement.

He spoke English, stumbling on every other word, "I agree, if Lunars want our secrets they may take translator captive." He finished with a thick accent.

World leaders again turned to there translators. The African minister spoke a South African language that he (to his knowledge) didn't know.

Vargas too joined to other country leaders in looking at his translator.

"He agrees. He said all countries should learn English because it's one of the most popular." AlliĆØ said gracefully.

"Do you know how hard this will be for the people though?" Someone said with an accent.

"All in favor for using one language?" Vargas said looking back at the screen.

Ever leader but one, raised their hand. "Settled," He finished turning to the portscreens speaker, " Screen off."

He stold up and stretched, pleased with himself. He'd helped solve a problem to his knowledge. . . for all they know the thereoies could be true. They may have secret chips inside there screens listening to Every. Last. Word. And there was no need to interrogate innocent Earthens. He shook it off, everyone knew thoes were just rumors.

Or were they?

(They are all from different areas and understand each other in the books which bothers me. I wrote this last year. SORRY FOR THE MANY ERRORS!)

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