You are on date, and your date has arranged to abseil down a building. You have a huge fear of heights, yet want to impress them.
Focus on your character's emotion and what completing the task could mean for them.
My Fear Conqueror
Towers as far as the eye may see.
Clouds so near I fear they’ll touch me.
She laughs at my discomfort and fear,
And I am nervous beside her so near.
A date she called it.
Death I would comment.
I love her so dearly
Yet this is my greatest fear clearly.
Down the slow ride we go
I’m wishing to whole time we don’t blow.
Her simile is bight
And brings me back into her light.
In her my fears wither away.
In her my love grows each day.
I love her and the adventures she craves.
I love her steadily as the crashing waves.
So down we go and I hold tight to her,
She hugs me with love as warm as fur.
We go together, my fear lost in her beauty.
We go again, per her wish, my only duty.
My only duty is to love her as we fall.
And I do, so much she’ll never count it all.
I love her long into our ups and downs.
I love her as we end and walk the towns.