The Case

As the girls came throug the front door I could tell by the sound of their voices that they were really excited about something.

"DAD! Kali had to..."



"Look at what I have to take care of tonight"

I was still unable to see them when those last words hit my ears. In that split second, a million things ran through my mind of what it could be. The class pet. A ton of homework. A classmate. When my eyes hit the "thing" in question I froze. There were my 2 daughters with a look of "how did I get involved in this?" across their faces. And beside them? Willie Nelson. Looking like a little puppy excited to have a sleepover in a new place.

"What the hell girls!" I yelled slightly angry because my brain could not figure out how to make sense of this.

Kali went on to explain that Willie came to play some songs at the pep rally and in the middle of the performance zombie prairie dogs infested the gym so they had to split real quick. Somehow Willie ended up with a group of kids from our neighborhood who gathered together and made it back home.

"The kids seemed smarter than the teachers and WAY smarter than my entourage. And I was right. Here we are!"

Fucking Willie.

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