
Fading into a 3rd person overhead view capturing the moment realization come into perspective, just beyond the horizon, feeling these sparks as they fire this way and that, epiphany? deja vu? Comprehension? No, it’s not that he admits to himself as the gears do turn, taking in the environment, feelings/experiences all meshing into the world that is to be accepted as “my reality”

Upon first inspection, the building seems rather quaint, minimalist, no signs or other identifying logos/advertising anywhere in sight, the buildings numbers are missing, and it is not showing up on GPS. How strange, this obscure place being so in place it’s out of place, it coexists in both states, it’s dependent on those who are labeling. Grasping the doorknob with an almost warm feeling, not through temperature, but nostalgia, the solid smooth action of the knob speaks loudly of its creator’s ability and fine tuning machinery…..anally so the OCD that must keep their interests mug full of Java. Suddenly the sensation of turning this wonderful technology slips away to being teleported to the room that J Lo found herself in following the inner child Carl to the white room, breathing glorious equine standing before us, to be instantly segmented with clear slides allowing for all biological functions to be observed. The horror of this scenery will definitely put a damper on anyone who is cautious about the “weirdos” they allow, but it’s simply something that is assumed to be grotesque but the physiology is able to still function, it’s inspection of this world, it’s familiarizing myself with my shadow in the cove, the way that the shadow is lighter or darker at the edges, gives me a sense of how direct this light is, the heat that is emitted from the exterior gives me an idea of altitude/region, the seemingly random noises throughout the day give notice of many different events that can be observed, we just have to take a leap of faith into self.

This building or home if you will, is by no means anything lavish, gaudy, or extravagant. Although there definitely is plenty of info on these simple perspectives, I don’t entertain these methods that lead to chasing ego high. Ego high causes protagonist to be the reason for another protagonist to take up the role when one has lost their way in pursuit of life as they’ve been instructed to. You see this character has the ability to manipulate self in such a way that is uncanny, being able to adapt to any environment and could even entertain common conversation to appease others desires, but I won’t find myself caught up in things that I have no reason or belief to pursue. Chasing after anything material or to aspire to be a good person, save the whales, reduce carbon footprint, or whatever mission you might be on is okay, but CANNOT become a sole mission or anything that we feel we’re obligated to do. Obligation and pandering to the needs of the few cost the many everything, that’s why these egotistical power struggle types will always be beta AF.

Staying true to self allows me to continue doing things the way I want to do them and what feels right, if what feels right became the most illegal and immoral thing in the world…. I’d be the number 1 on every most wanted list. Fuck social standards of subpar fuckery, it’s nothing but the aftermath of shit hitting the fan, bringing a look of terror to this fans face as they’ve been assaulted with what looks like high caliber turdlets which can cause extensive damage to your olfactory appeal although rabbits and other small animals might find themselves relieving themselves where they’ve come to know shit being.

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