
An intergalactic jury has assembled to decide whether humans should be allowed to retain custody of Planet Earth

Acting as either the defence or prosecution for humans, give your closing speech to the jury

Irresponsible, Unfavourable, Detestable.

Climate change, plastic pollution, death. Some may say all of these are natural. Some, such as myself, may see the truth. Humans have caused such things and will continue to do so if we leave the fate of planet Earth in their hands.

Murder, famine, greed. Each one undeniably rotten. Why do humans allow it to continue while more can be done to prevent it? The answer lies in the question: they are human. It’s in their nature to destroy. It’s in their nature to be selfish and to live without fear of consequences. And it is humans themselves that breed each other to become such a way. Living without consequences is not the only way, however, humans fear consequences and therefore do not enforce them correctly. How can we leave the future of this planet in the hands of ones too scared to enforce change?

Irresponsible, unfavourable, detestable. Each of these words can sum up the human race. Each of these words, created by humans themselves can label the ones that have murdered other races for personal gain. Not only do they kill other races, but they kill their own. The planet is next if left in the hands of such creatures.

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