"I knew I'd regret it if I didn't say it right now."

Use this sentence in a short story.


"You only live once!" was a line everybody knew.

Whether that be in shortened form "YOLO" or the words by themselves, everybody knew it.

Living scares me. I live in a world that feels like a prison cell. Sometimes I so badly want to break out if that cell. But I get a weird feeling in my chest. Was is panic? I am not sure was exactly the feeling is.

My mind shifts. One second I am desperate to break through what feels like platinum prison bars - another I'm scared to leave. What about the people I am unable to speak to? How do I let them know how much I so truly love them? Or aspire to be like them? But how do I love the life that I live in when nobody can love me?

So what exactly do I do? Nothing. I stand there, watching and waiting for someone else to create a legacy for me to watch. I am unable to endure my own legacy and fame when I can barely take a step out of my bedroom, scared of what there is to be beyond these four walls.

I lay down in my bed. I think and I think and I think about so many different things I cannot control.

Now, what will my legacy be? What does my future look like? Will my life continue to be that beautifully filled in painting that those who surround me create? What is beautiful to them isn't what is beautiful to me. I have many dreams that feel impossible to make a reality.

In the end, I am one of eight billion and cannot create an impact. Who will miss me when I'm gone? Will my children tell my story? Will my friends remember me? Or will I drift away like smoke?

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