Create a poem surrounding the theme 'Fact or Fancy?'

What meanings does this phrase bring to mind?

Which One To Choose

Which Shall We Choose

Fact or fantasy which path to tread

A place where all the boundaries blur

Fact or fantasy where dreams are fed

Where the known and unknown gently stir

Both have their place in this unknown zone

Can we not embrace them both?

As nothing is set in stone

In this mystic realm of growth

Together for they are one

Isn’t fact a fragment of the whole?

Or just Yin and Yang dancing under the sun

Or is fantasy but a seed to sow?

The strong arms of fact and the wings of fantasy

Do magic and reality coexist?

Can we find our freedom and serenity?

Like lovers in a secret tryst

The answers lie in a blend of the two

But the choice is yours

Once their unique space has come into view.

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