Out There

“Ever wonder what’s out there?”

She asked…

Her gaze distant,

Yet she felt something near.

“Every day, I wonder”

I told her…

However i looked at the stars with fear.

“It’s like the universe is calling me,

There must be something out there…”

I started to think,

What is this out there?

Is this “where” a real place?

Are we just trapped in this echo chamber never to leave this space?

“So much to explore”

But is it all real?

Could that star in the sky have been dead a thousand years?

“Out there” and “where”

But “there” you find nothing.

Light years and light years for us all to waste.

There’s a reason they call it never land,

Because behind that North Star is a place we’ll never meet!

I’ve been trekking and trekking

And guess what I have seen!

An endless expanse of what will never ever be!!

Enjoy the curiosity!

Enjoy your simple ways!

Enjoy the belief that “out there” is okay!!

Behind the antique wardrobe,

All worn down with tear,

All you will find is that you can’t breathe without air!

Your broken down brain was made to believe all of these things that are said to deceive

If I tell you the truth will you call it a lie?

Ignore it and move along?

Will you hear me out?

I feel like the limit goes no further than the clouds!

They say it’s the sky, the moon, or the sun,

I keep hearing these lies!

I’m really just done!

I’m pacing and pacing, getting all my steps in,

Wearing a hole in the carpet

Just to get a thought out of this tin!

If I only had a brain it would have left me by now,

That small little storm has got me loosing my mind.

My sanity hanging by a thread

No fairy godmother to save me.

I swear this life is something like a dream.

A dream is a wish but this nightmares a curse.


How did we get here?

I was talking about the stars…

I guess that sometimes I take stuff too far.

Do I wonder what’s out there?

Yes of course I do,

But I’m sure the specifics aren’t important to you.

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