Mother And Daughter

Starting a story about myself Eleanor Jackson and my daughter, crasia Jackson.she can relate to me and her self, being mothers as of the special day and my special day. In the event of it was July 15, 1998 when she was born I’m pretty much hundred percent sure her’s is June 2, 2022 when her son was born .But not just that being a mother and she does have two other siblings but she can relate to me when I had her ,and her brother ,and her sister .In seeing the hard work, and that” mother’s work women’s work is never done. “,As ,.As the woman that walked the Earth with all mankind .Umbilical cords that are cut from all mothers . There is no way around this .it’s called creation in a biblical term Genesis the beginning where there was creation of mother duplicates .Putting things in perspective from that day forward growing as a mother with maturity, knowing the function about family about nurturing someone from taking care of them, watching them grow feed and cloth them knowing when you have to get out and provide for family I’m pretty sure my daughter have the concept down pack and in perspective of all aspects .Now in her life she is learning and growing with measures knowing the uniqueness and the challenges, the ups and downs of being .A great excellent and extraordinary mother .(super mom.) I would say it comes with all that you put into it as a mother. by Eleanor Breedy,

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