Submitted by aaarco
Humans fear the dark, but what happens for those who seek it...?
dark is no different
i am afraid
of the dark
but what would happen
if i forgot
that fear?
if i realized
that the dark
is just like the light,
i wouldn’t be scared.
except, you might say
we can’t see.
and what’s wrong
with that?
what’s so scary
about not knowing
not seeing
what’s there?
do you really need to know?
can you maybe enjoy
what is unknown to you?
but, you say,
something dangerous
could be lurking.
that is just the same
with light
there is danger
in everything
you can’t deny it
or run away
you are doomed
to have close calls
and terrible injuries
so it shouldn’t stop you
from enjoying
what you have
in the moments
that you have
in the light
in the dark
in the night
in the day
it’s all the same
what’s so scary
about the dark?