Submitted by Freddie
Life Without You
Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.
The Poem With(out) you
Like the sun without the moon,
And the moon without the stars.
I would be nothing.
Nothin’ nothin’ nothin’
But liquid splatered all over the floor
Not knowing which direction to go
Because you are my bones
That make me human
Without you I wouldn’t be
Be nothing of value for you see
You and I
Make up the earth and the sky
Living in harmony
Yes, sometimes the earth and sky fight in thunderstorms and hurricanes
Like us
And like them
We always end up in rainbows
Happy happy rainbows
For you see
At the end of the day
If I didn’t have you
I wouldn’t know which shoe to put on which foot
The two feet you made me
For walking great lengths together
Golly gee,
This poem was supposed to be
About my life without you
It seems I can’t even fathom a poem
Without writing you into the narrative
It’s time to end this poem.
Let’s go two by two
Into the sun, hand in hand
Ready for the next chapter of our dainty, little lives.
C’mon, it’s time to go now Mum.