Think about the last character you wrote or read about; what ten items would they bring with them to a deserted island?
Write an internal monologue from this character explaining the reasons behind their choices.
Stranded fishing trip
I couldn’t believe this was happening. Of course, I could’ve seen it coming. But I’m surprised it actually did. It’s going to be alright, though. Billy assured me he’d be back in no time, with some help. Where he was going to get help, I had no idea, but I had faith in the dude.
What started off an as an average trip of two fishermen just trying to catch fish, ended up being us getting stranded. We had to row our way over to the island that was way too far off in the distance.
While I waited for Billy to get back, I decided to go through my bag and try to help to myself from boredom.
The first thing I pulled out was a hydroflask. I couldn’t be more happy knowing I had plenty of water right now. I then pulled out a basketball. I wasn’t sure how it’d help me now but, hey, you can’t go wrong with a basketball. The second thing I grabbed was a baseball bat. Now, I don’t really condone violence but if it’s going to happen, a bat’s the way to go.
Then came out a bag of lays chips. But I wasn’t really hungry, so I tossed them aside for the meantime. The next thing was a phone charger. That was absolutely pointless as this island didn’t have an outlet anywhere. Then, the next thing I pulled out was a notebook. I wasn’t the biggest writer, but it at least gave me something to do. Before digging through the bag some more, I doodled a little.
I then pulled out bug spray. This would have been useful a few hours ago when the bugs were pretty bad. The next thing was a flashlight. So far, this seemed like the only really useful thing here. Except, it was bright and early out. So I tossed it aside.
As I went through to pull more stuff out, I realized that was all I had. I know I had a whole checklist of what to put in, but I must have forgotten about it when I was actually packing the bag. I felt around in my pockets, until I felt a piece of paper and pulled it out to look at it. I unfolded it.
1. Baseball bat
I thought to myself. “Why the hell would a baseball bat be the first thing on here? Cmon, William.”
I continued reading the list.
1. Baseball bat
2. Charger
3. Flashlight
4. Chips
5. Basketball
6. Notebook
7. Bug spray
8. Jacket
9. Extra batteries
10. Hyrdoflask
I realized I had forgotten the batteries and my jacket, which should be no big deal. I expected Billy to be back well before dark and if it got colder, I could just go deeper into the island.
I put everything back into the bag and laid down, waiting for Billy to return.