If my brother had not been so stubborn, none of this would have happened.
Write a story with this as the opening line
Pre-Hunger Games
If my brother had not been so stubborn, none of this would have happened. On Sunday, my brother and I went to the market. Kids aren’t really allowed there so we were sneaking around. That’s when the Mayor walked in. My brother was looking at something, staring really, and I told him that we needed to go. That’s when he got stubborn. He wanted whatever it was he was looking at, and I couldn’t get him away from it. The mayor ended up seeing us right as we were leaving, and he caught us. I explained that my mother was very sick and she needed medicine, but he wouldn’t listen. He told us that we were dirty thieves, and we had to face punishment. We didn’t steal anything! I paid for everything I bought. Today we go to the town square to face punishment. It’s not going to be too crazy because we are kids. My brother really messed up this time.