The Last Laughs

One day I was walking to school with my 8yr sister right next to me blabbering on and on. I couldn’t understand her because there was one thing on my mind, my mother. A few days ago she had been rushed to the hospital after passing out. My mom looked unusual before that day. She looked like she had less hair, Less and less each day. (After school) I rode a taxi to the hospital to see my mom as I entered the room she was visibly asleep, I sat next to her and soon she started awakening. I looked at her happily hoping she would notice. I was holding a card she took it and read off “I hope you get better ya’ know don’t wanna be mom-less!! Jk just get better!!!” Her voice was a little scratchy she laughed, and if I hadn’t been so relieved to see her alive, I might have laughed too.

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