
It’s always dark in my home at night.

My husband refuses to turn on the lights, only letting the blinds down in the morning. While this is fine, the light only lasts for about 9 hours.

Then it’s **pitch black**.

**I try to stay in one place, so I won’t get lost in my twisted maze of a home. It’s easy to do that, but I hear noises. Noises….**

**My husband always disappears into the basement. I have no idea why. Why he leaves me to fend myself against the monsters he releases.**

**They hiss, click, chirp with a high-pitched noise that make my ears bleed and ring. I have to be quiet whenever this happens; I’ve never seen the creatures with my own eyes, but so know that only monsters can come from noises like that.**

**But then **it’s day time again.

My husband comes back from the basement with a faraway look in his eyes. He never speaks to me, I’m used to it. He only looks at the old photo’s we have. A boy, a girl, and a baby.

I don’t know why he spends so much of his time in the dark. I don’t know why I’m here with him, that I’m allowing this.

But I know that outside, there are more creatures waiting to tell me off, rip my limbs apart, suck the marrow out of my bones.

So I let the dark take me and survive another night. And another. And another.

Because it was my fault and I deserve nothing.

The sun sets, and the** monsters prowl again.**

**I go back to my corner, a blanket with me, and curl up into a ball.**

**So dark, so dark.**

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