Goldfish Tears

Rupert was so wonderfully kind and very very big for a goldfish. So the tears that he cried every single day would be almost the size of her head!

His tears were made of glass and so they sunk to the bottom of the tank making a pile of ‘Prince Rupert’s Tears.’

That’s why he was named Rupert.

She always felt very bad when she saw him because of how sad he must be everyday.

So she decided to cheer him up. :)

“Rupert? Yes over here Rupert!”

She called out and his eye slowly turned towards her.


His voice shook the glass on the tank and she jumped back a bit suprised. Rupert seemed tired yet his voice echoed across the room.

“Well, let’s play a game!” She offered.

“What game?” Curious, he moved closer.


He stayed silent for a few moments staring at the little girl.


“Yes! Peek-a-boo!”

“I’m afraid… I’m afraid that’ll be quite impossible with my fins you see.”

“Oh.. how about hide and seek?”

Rupert circled around his large empty tank before coming back to the girl

“You want me to hide?” Rupert asked.

“Well yes, I’m better at seeking” The girl answered.

“Are you making fun of me? Where in the world would I hide?”

“Why not hide behind the pile of tears you made?”

He seemed surprised as if he’d never noticed the rather big pile of glass tears.

“Who cried all over my floor?” He exclaimed swimming quickly around the tank watching the pile closely

“You did!” The little girl replied pointing at him with a gasp.

“What? How could I cry this much? It must be you”

The girl burst into tears at this accusation and her mother quickly came to usher her away.

While the girl never came back, it cause quite a commotion when it was known that Rupert had stopped crying his glass tears.

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