Submitted by Orelli

I grab my sister's hand and pull her towards the cliff edge with me. She nods slowly in my direction. Then we jump.

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Fight for Your Life

I grab my sister's hand and pull her towards the cliff edge with me. She nods slowly in my direction. Then we jump.

I jolt awake. My heart races and sweat drips down my face. Pure adrenaline courses through my veins. That dream. It felt so real.

The clock says 4:12 a.m. Just one more hour until my alarm goes off. But there is no way I'm going back to sleep after that.

I pull my thick covers off and step onto the cold floor of my apartment. I pad over to the bathroom and turn on a light. It looks like I just ran a marathon. My hair is drenched. No, more than drenched, it looks like I just went swimming. Or jumped off a cliff into the turbulent waters below.

My sister's face comes back into view. Her face was so vivid, so real. Like she was back here, with me. Where she belongs.

But that's impossible. Because my sister has been missing for nearly a decade.

I splash water on my face, hoping that will snap me back to reality. But no luck.

I focus on myself in the mirror. My big green eyes stare back. The same eyes that my sister and I shared. I scream and smash my fist into the mirror. It shatters and shards of glass clatter to the floor.

Tears flow freely down my face as I crumple to the ground. It wasn't fair. She was gone, I am here. And it's all my fault. I couldn't save her.

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